California Flag

Flag of California

Historic Bear Flag raised at Sonomaon June 14, 1846, by a group of American settlers in revolt against Mexican rule. The flag was designed by William Todd on a piece of new unbleached cotton. The star imitated the lone star of Texas. A grizzly bear represented the many bears seen in the state. The word, "California Republic" was placed beneath the star and bear. It was adopted by the 1911 State Legislature as the State Flag.


Californnia was the 31st state to join the union.
It was settled in 1769 and entered the union on Sept. 9, 1850.
The state capitol is in Sacramento.

Their nickname is: The Golden State
Their motto is: I have found it
Origin of state's name: Named by Spanish after Califia, amythical paradise in a Spanish romance, written by Montalvo in 1510.

Below is a list of some of the ciites we have visisted during our trip(s) to California.

LA / Hollywood Monterey Oakland San Diego San Francisco San Jose San Simeon Solvang

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Page last updated August 2014.