Kansas Flag
Flag of Kansas

On a navy blue field is a sunflower, the state flower. Also, the state seal and the words "Kansas". In the picture of the state seal are thirty-four stars representing the order of statehood. Above the stars is the motto "To the Stars Through Difficulties". On the seal a sunrise overshadows a farmer plowing a field near his log cabin, a steamboat sailing the Kansas River, a wagon train heading west and Native Americans hunting bison.
Flag adopted in 1927

Kansas Page

Kansas was the 34th state to join the union.
It was settled in 1737 and entered the union on Jan. 29, 1861.
The state capitol is in Topeka.

Their nickname is: The Sunflower State
Their motto is: To the stars through difficulties
Origin of state's name: From the Sioux Indian for "south wind people"

Below is a list of some of the ciites we have visisted during our trip(s) to Kansas

Kansas City Topeka

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Page last updated August 2014.