North Carolina Flag

The flag of North Carolina shall consist of a blue union, containing in the center thereof a white star with the letter N in gilt on the left and the letter C in gilt on the right of said star, the circle containing the same to be one-third the width of the union. The fly of the flag shall consist of two equally proportioned bars; the upper bar to be red, the lower bar to be white; that the length of the bars horizontally shall be equal to the perpendicular length of the union, and the total length of the flag shall be one-third more than its width. That above the star in the center of the union there shall be a gilt scroll in semi-circular form, containing in black letters this inscription "May 20th, 1775", and that below the star there shall be a similar scroll containing in black letters the inscription:
"April 12th, 1776".

North Carolina Flag

North Carolina was the 12th state to join the union.
It was settled in 1660 and entered the union on Nov. 21, 1789.
The state capitol is in Raleigh

Their nickname is: Old North State / Tar Heel State
Their motto is: To be, rather than to seem
Origin of state's name: Taken from "Carolus," the Latin word for Charles and named after England's King Charles I

Below is a list of some of the ciites we have visisted during our trip(s) to North Carolina

Kitty Hawk

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Page last updated August 2014.