Pennsylvania Flag

Flag of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's State Flag is composed of a blue field on which is embroidered the State Coat of Arms. The first State Flag bearing the State Coat of Arms was authorized by the General Assembly in 1799. An act of the General Assembly of June 13, 1907, standardized the flag and required that the blue field match the blue of Old Glory.

Pennsylvania Page

Pennsylvania was the 2nd state to join the union.
It was settled in 1682 and entered the union on Dec. 12, 1787.
The state capitol is in Harrisburg.

Their nickname is: The Keystone State
Their motto is: Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
Origin of state's name: Named in honor of Admiral William Penn, father of the state's founder, William Penn

Below is a list of some of the ciites we have visisted during our trip(s) to Pennsylvania

Harrisburg York

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Page last updated August 2014.